Forsyth County’s Parkstone Water Reclamation Facility

The Parkstone Wastewater Treatment Plant is situated on a 15-acre site within the Parkstone Development and accommodates the wastewater treatment and disposal facility and land application system (LAS). At full build-out, the initial phase of the development will generate an average 100,000 gallons per day (gpd) wastewater flow requiring treatment and disposal. Much undeveloped land surrounds the 290-acre development tract which, in time, will likely be developed.

In anticipation of additional properties being made part of Parkstone, the proposed wastewater treatment plant has been designed for future expansion.The wastewater treatment and disposal system treats wastewater to an acceptable level for subsurface drip disposal including a significant reduction in total nitrogen in the wastewater. A drip irrigation system installed in the 12-acre portion of the treatment plant site can be used for disposal of 100% of the treated effluent at full capacity on a year-round basis. A wet-weather emergency storage pond in the vicinity of the treatment structures will provide emergency storage for fully-treated effluent during extremely wet conditions.

The first construction phase (Phase I) of the treatment plant provides 125,000 gallons per day of biological treatment by a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and 100,000 gallons per day of drip irrigation disposal. In Phase I, the SBR basin concrete tankage will allow storage be doubled to 250,000 gpd by adding treatment equipment. The drip disposal system will have a first phase capacity of 100,000 gpd with features to add 25,000 gpd of additional drip fields. The ultimate expansion (Phase III) to 250,000 gallons per day will require the construction of an off-site storage pond, a drip building and a drip irrigation field capable of handling 125,000 gallons per day.

Forsyth County purchased the facility in 2007. The Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) recognized the facility as its “Plant of the Year” in 2012 in the less than 1.0 MGD category.

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