Forsyth County’s Windermere WRF

The 0.550 MGD Windermere Wastewater Treatment plant serves the 1,373 acre Windermere Development that includes approximately 1,100 single-family homes, two apartment communities, a golf clubhouse and other amenities as well as a commercial village center. An adjacent development, Blackstock Mill by McCar Homes, also pumps its wastewater to the Windermere facility.

The wastewater treatment plant is designed to achieve urban water reuse standards. The plant consists of fine screening, activated sludge wastewater treatment, chemical enhanced filtration and disinfection by chlorine. A reject pond, sized for 3-days of average daily flow, is shown in the photo above. An effluent holding pond, sized for 30-days of average daily flow, is also located on the plant site, but not shown in the photo.

Treated effluent from the facility is used to irrigate the Davis Love designed golf course.  Forsyth County purchased the facility in late 2006. The upgrade to 0.550 MGD was completed May of 2002. 

The Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) recognized the facility as its “Plant of the Year” in 2011 in the less than 1.0 MGD category.

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