Troublesome Creek Water Reclamation Facility

The 0.55 MGD Troublesome Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, completed August of 2007 by Southern Champion, was built to serve the Sun City Peachtree Development in Spalding County as well as future adjacent development.

The facility includes Orbal aeration equipment manufactured by Siemens. The Headworks includes a spiral screening unit manufactured by Parkson. Continuous upflow sand filtration, manufactured by Parkson, is also provided.

The facility currently has a permit to expand capacity to 1.35 MGD. The expansion would include a 0.80 MGD parallel facility. The reject pond is sized to accommodate the expansion. A second, offsite effluent holding pond will provide the necessary storage of treated effluent.

The facility includes a 33-Acre Land Application System to dispose of treated effluent for the initial phase of the facility (0.275 MGD). Land has been identified and analyzed to dispose of treated effluent up to 1.10 MGD. An 18-hole golf course plus other green areas within the development will be used to beneficially reuse water for irrigation purposes limiting the amount of land required to dispose of effluent.

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